Just wanted to take a moment to...
Here is a list of the most recent rockstars of the ZoomAlbum review:
My Charming Kids - http://www.mycharmingkids.com
The Wise (*Young*) Mommy - http://thewiseyoungmommy.blogspot.com
My Trendy Tykes - http://mytrendytykes.blogspot.com
Mom Giveaways - http://momgiveaways.com
A Contest Blog - http://acontestblog.com
Mommy Goggles - http://www.mommygoggles.com
Sage and Savvy -http://www.sageandsavvy.com
The Dirty Shirt - http://thedirtytshirt.com
Mommy Mandy - http://www.mommymandy.com
Mom of 2 Dancers Reviews - http://scrappyd.blogspot.com
Contests for Moms - http://www.contestformoms.com
Happy, Healthy Families - http://www.happyhealthyfamilies.com
Rockin Mama - http://rockinmama.net
Annie's Home - http://shopannies.blogspot.co
Tara's View of the World - http://www.tarasviewoftheworld.com/Tara
Sooooo...that's a start. PLEASE check these awesome chicks out and enter, comment, offer some link love...whatever works for you :) THANK YOU SO MUCH LADIES FOR HELPING US SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT OUR COOL LITTLE PHOTO BOOKS!